Reminder: Today is an early release for teacher professional development. Franklin students will be dismissed at 1:05.
about 19 hours ago, Brad Winter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday!
3 days ago, Brad Winter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday!
7 days ago, Brad Winter
Franklin Families: Please use the attached document to sign up for Fall conferences with your student's homeroom teacher. Just find the teacher, click on the link, then click on November 25 or 26 and select your conference time. You'll have to enter your name and your student's name after selecting your time. ***Make sure your Google calendar is set to CENTRAL STANDARD TIME or it won't display correctly on your personal calendar. Please reach out to the Franklin office if you have questions or problems getting signed up!
10 days ago, Mr. Winter
Franklin Families: Fall conferences will be held on November 25 & 26. Links to sign up will be sent out tomorrow morning at 8:00. Our goal is to meet with 100% of our families so make sure to sign up. Please reach out to the Franklin office if you have any questions or problems getting signed up.
11 days ago, Mr. Winter
Elementary Literacy Night is tomorrow at Ledges! Hope to see lots of our families there!
14 days ago, Brad Winter
Literacy Night
Reminder: Today is an early release for teacher professional development. Franklin students will be dismissed at 1:05.
15 days ago, Brad Winter
Huge thanks to everyone who helped make our harvest hoedown a fun event for our students! We appreciate all of the donations and help from our parents and staff. It was a fun way to recognize the hard work of our students throughout the first quarter of the year.
17 days ago, Brad Winter
Franklin Families: During the month of November, our character focus will be on GRATITUDE. Attached is a family newsletter with more information about what our students will be learning.
17 days ago, Mr. Winter
Gratitude Family Newsletter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday!
17 days ago, Brad Winter
We had a character assembly on October 25 to wrap up RESPONSIBILITY month at Franklin. These students were recognized for doing an outstanding job demonstrating responsibility throughout the month! 💚❤️
17 days ago, Brad Winter
Picture retakes are tomorrow! Please let the Franklin office or your child's homeroom teacher know if you're planning to have them do retakes. Thanks!
20 days ago, Mr. Winter
Thanks to everyone for helping support our Boone Elementary PTO fundraiser!
21 days ago, Mr. Winter
Fundraiser Thank You
Tomorrow is our harvest hoedown at Franklin! It's a chance to celebrate the hard work of our students and an opportunity to spend the pride points they've collected so far. Please keep the following in mind to ensure we have a great day: * Students can bring costumes to school and wear them during their scheduled harvest hoedown time but they don't have to. Students should not wear costumes to school for the whole day. The harvest hoedown is 1 hour of their day and the rest of the day will be learning time. * Costumes must be appropriate for school. Bloody/gory costumes and fake weapons will not be allowed. * Please save the face paint for trick or treating also as it can interfere with learning time during the day. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes to make sure our kids have a great day! We appreciate all of the support from our families and the community. We're looking forward to a fun celebration!
21 days ago, Mr. Winter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday!
22 days ago, Brad Winter
Reminder: Elementary literacy night is next Thursday at Ledges! Please see the attached flyer for more information.
22 days ago, Mr. Winter
Literacy Night
Good news, there's still time to join the excitement of our MASSIVE GIVEAWAY fundraiser! 🎉 If you haven’t had a chance to REGISTER and help your child with the “Golden Ticket,” please do so TONIGHT to earn the Participation Rewards, plus a shot at winning the remaining Massive Giveaway Raffle Prizes (Amazon Gift Cards, Giant Mega-Treats, Pick-a-Prize Rewards, or Massive Cash Prizes! 🌟 Be awesome and make a difference at our school! Click this link Thanks for supporting our Boone Elementary PTO!
22 days ago, Mr. Winter
Fundraiser 3
We're still in need of prize donations for the harvest hoedown on Thursday. If you'd like to donate small prizes, trinkets, candy or any other prizes that our students would enjoy, just drop them at the office or send them to school with your student. Thanks!
22 days ago, Brad Winter
The weather will be getting colder toward the end of this week. Please make sure to help your student dress for the weather as we move into fall and winter. 🌨️ Let us know if we can help with any cold weather gear!
22 days ago, Brad Winter
What can we say, we’re off to a great start! We’re very appreciative of all the “Golden Tickets” returned from our MASSIVE GIVEAWAY fundraiser. If you didn't get a chance to REGISTER and help your student with the “Golden Ticket,” please do so TONIGHT to earn the participation rewards and for a chance to win the Massive Giveaway Raffle Prizes (Amazon Gift Cards, Giant Mega-Treats, Pick-a-Prize Rewards, or Massive Cash Prizes)!! Click this link and follow the simple steps to complete the “Golden Ticket” Thanks for supporting our Boone Elementary PTO!
23 days ago, Mr. Winter
Fundraiser 2